for every jerk.....there's a woman in his past who reache in past his ribcage and pulled out his heart, spit on it, threw it on the ground.....and tapped danced all over it while telling him of his inadequacies....
I think its because nice guys never get any girls, so girls chose to believe they dont exist. Its why I purposely go out of my way to give my g/f a hard time about stuff, or keep a little drama in the relationship by saying things I know will piss her off a bit. Not so much as to want to leave, just enough to stir the pot a bit so she doesent get to settled.
If I treated her like I feel about her, i.e. like the best thing that ever happened to me, she would probably dump me.
ain't that a bitch!!....that's exactly true by the way. I'm hoping that women will grow out of it at some point......or I'll just give in and start hitting them more.....j/k, no seriously j/k......I would never condone physical violence against a woman....unless it was a wrestling match!!...