the_alcatraz said:
I hate skinny guys tryin to sell a product!
No kidding. A visit usually goes like this.
Some skinny guy behind the desk will be sipping on some type of shake or something OR some fat lady will be behind the counter.....
Them: "Can I help you sir?"
Me: "No, I'm just looking at some creatine and protein." (supps that work)
Them: "What are you looking at?"
Me: "ON Whey protein and prolabs creatine." (the cheap but effective stuff)
Them: Let me show you this "insert most expensive creatine and protein here".
Them: "I started taking this and I have blown up!"
Me: Try not laugh as I look at the 120 lb dude in his extra small shirt as he walks around with his chest puffed out.
Or some fat old hag, which looks like she knows nothing about nutrition, will recommend I take the Muscletech "Stack" which is some outrageous price. I
I'm like WTF and walk out remembering why I don't shop at GNC.