I've been using ala off and on for several years. Just recently I changed the way I take it as well as the foods I use it with. I had been using just plain, racemic ala. I used it only when carbing up, not on a daily basis. This last week I took any where from 300mg to 600mg per carb meal, depending on amount of carbs. The carbs I eat when carbing up are clean, complex carbs with no or next to no fat added.
The results were quite positive, strength went up, as did endurance, and bigger pumps. I believe that for me anyway, I need to stick with as clean carb choices as possible and low fat as in not trying to carb up on ice cream,etc. I am carbing up every 3 days or so. The days inbetween I eat lots of veggies no starchy carbs, so no need for ala. The ultra low fat thing is just on those higher carb days, not normal eating days.
My goal is to maintain my weight. I'm as "big "as I wanna get. What was surprising was how my endurance went up. I carbed up last sat and sunday did an easy 9 mile hike, when normally I am pooped out after 8 miles. Then monday had an awesome deadlift workout! I do lots of hiking and lift heavy 4/week. Then I carbed up wed. and squatted thur. and what a difference! I had much more power and was able to keep my form perfect from first to last set. Normally I start struggling towards the end.
Now I have recieved the r-ala and will give that a try. I'll keep you posted-Valerie