Here you go Cube:
I've been reading Paul Cribb's articles and the
information you have written on glutamine and I am
excited to give your GL3 a try. Can I add GL3
L-Glutamine to my Ny-Tro PRO-40 shakes?
I turned this
question over to
our research
director Paul
Cribb and he told
me, "There is a
stack of
glutamine in free
form is poorly
absorbed when
competing with
other amino
acids. I would
having a serving of GL3 on an empty stomach, about 30
minutes before each Ny-Tro PRO-40, just to be sure to
maximize absorption and utilization."
He's the man and that's why he's our research director.
Because glutamine is such a key component of muscle
growth and immune function I think it would be a good idea if I
had Paul address the issue of "how to" utilize it for maximum
effect in a future article.
In the meantime follow the recommendation I spelled out in
Q&A on 7-24-00. And like I've always said, avoid the "all in
one" voodoo supplements that companies are always hyping.
It may sound good when a product has a million ingredients,
but when they work against each other you're left with no
results and smaller bank account.
Remember, science over hype.
Did you read that? A stack of research. Next time I suggest not just you but everyone to fully educate themselves on ANY supplement before mindlessly taking it without having a clue as to properly take it. Also, how do you know it's the glutamine that's working for you? Are you taking more than one supplement? The only fool proof way to tell if a supplement is "working" is to take it by itself. If someone's getting results from taking creatine, HMB, ribose, glutamine, andro, what product is "working"? Most people are swallowing so many pills and powders they don't have a clue as to what's working.