Yep, I'm the CLASSIC hardgainer.... I've been training for.... I think about 4-5 years now. Of course I'm always learning, but I think I push myself pretty hard in the gym.
And I still just look normal. Maybe I look "fit".... but I eat as well as I can (can't afford supplements) to gain muscle but I don't gain much. I can hardly ever notice results.... the gains come so slowly that it feels like I was always like this.
I'm 6'2" and 3 weeks into my cutting phase I'm 197lbs.... and still with quite a bit of fat to lose. I hate my genetics. My limbs are really long, and while 16.5" arms are okay, the look really skinny because everything is so stretched out.
I thought about it some more, and I think fat people (or more correctly, people with a slow metabolism) have it better in a bodybuilding sense.... but in every day life, it's easier to be a skinny person. You can dress to make yourself look normal, but if you're really fat there's no clothes that can cover it up. In terms of aesthetics, being skinny is considered attractive by a lot of people.... in the fashion and modelling world for example, they always use pretty slim guys. Sometimes with a little muscle, but always very lean.
So in that sense, fat people have it worse. At worst for a skinny person, they'll only look "normal" instead of big.