well it seems to be go with the skins on if your trying to lower the GI, but if your eating it with loads of fibre that will probably help too. they're good for taste but i wouldnt want to rely too much on them as a staple carb source purely due to their GI
i never touch them if i am trying to lean up, but otherwise i think they're all good...i only eat the, ontop of the wholegrain/meal stuff
It's totally dependent upon when you are using them, and for what purpose. They can assist you in changing your body, but they can also be the worst for ya if eaten at the wrong times or w/the wrong things.
More info about your situation would be ideal, thanks!
I have had many of clients get muscular and lean with white potatoes. I usually suggest 4 -6 med tatoes a day. Good natural CHO I think. They work well with an exercise and nutrition program.