Those sets of 8-10 I used to do never did much for me. Now I'm doing working sets of 3 or less and my muscles are finally growing. Guess I have more fast twitch muscles.
hmm i noticed th emost strength gains in a 2x5 3x3 working sets for cores. I like the 5x5 now tho cause it does not comlpetely kill my muscular endurance.
Those sets of 8-10 I used to do never did much for me. Now I'm doing working sets of 3 or less and my muscles are finally growing. Guess I have more fast twitch muscles.
Your like me, I just found out not too long ago that low low reps work much better for myself then 6-8-10, 3 or 4 reps works best with heavy weight or else its a waste of time and energy.
This is a very valid point which is why I hope no one is foolish enough to think the results mean anything. I think Animal Mass's DFHT is one of the greatest programs out there but not many people have the expirience or knowledge to make it work. All in all the poll is worthless, but I do like to hear WHY people are using the program they are currently on.