I have always lived in relatively racially homogenous environments. I think males from 18-25 usually have bad breath. The poorer, the worse the breath.
When I lived in Hong Kong, I noticed lots of bad breath from a relative lack of dental care. However, they don't eat as much cheese, milk and stuff so it was different. Fish breath was common.
prometheus.. it's quite obvious that i'm not trying to promote hate speech.. it's also not hard to figure out that one can, through experience and interactions with various demographic subsets, make a few rational generalizations about such groups and not be too far from the truth and without bashing that demographic.
prometheus.. it's quite obvious that i'm not trying to promote hate speech.. it's also not hard to figure out that one can, through experience and interactions with various demographic subsets, make a few rational generalizations about such groups and not be too far from the truth and without bashing that demographic.
errr... oops - that was meant to be tongue-in-cheek -- I should've stuck a smiley in there or something... just exaggerating our "heightened awarness" of PC, not a serious accusation or anything...