zk7-Pray and like magic Jesus will provide you with a top notch one that will have you bigger and stronger than Samson!!! Just don't let some bitch cut your hair or you'll wind up looking as pathetic and weak as you do now.
I love bible stories-they're almost as good as The X Files. Excuse me while I go part the red sea. And don't look at this thread too long or you'll be turned into a pillar of salt. And don't forget to round up m/f pairs of every animal, insect and micro organism on the planet and put them on a boat so when the earth floods they'll survive. And Jonah lived inside a whale's belly for 3 days...you actually believe this shit??? LMFAO!!!
OK, I'm done. I gotta go give a personal training session to The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy, A Unicorn, and Jesus. I give them a killer group training rate. I'll tell Jesus to mail you the Rx/Training program I got him on if he thinks your behavior is christian-like enough.
Not only are you deserving of THE RETARD ALERT-CODE RED-but you are a lazy fucker too. Ask Jesus why you didn't have much learnin' .