CEASAR said:
Do you understand the art of power and manipulation? Do you know what a smart person would do how wanted power? They'd pay there dues along the way, so they wouldn't appear too greedy. Too not appear as LARGE theif.To stay low key, you gotta give along the way. You ever pay attention to how a crook runs his operation? What put Al capone away in prison? Tax evasion. TAKE TAKE TAKE, and he got sent away. Do you understand what I'm saying?
I don't think you understand what you're saying.
I imagine what you are trying to say, however poorly, is that we are acting in our self interest by investing in the Iraqi people by buying local support with our deeds. Making it easier to do whatever else we our doing in the country.
Did I get that right?
What you fail to recognize is what our actual objectives in the region are broly. Use your head. Saddam offered 50 billion + in sweetheart oil deals to the french and others for the sole purpose of their committing to keep the US off his ass in the UN. Do you imagine for a second that no one in the US government was bright enough to think up a scenario where instead of giving the oil to the French, he would have gladly paid as much if not more to give it to us instead? It isn't rocket science. if all we wanted was the Iraqi oil we could have had it handed to us without ever firing a shot. Not only had it, but had them hand it over to whomever the administration chose.
That isn't some paranoid conspiracy theory (as you present) but actual documented calculations put into policy by the Russians, French, and Germans among others. It represents a status quo view of world politics which places short term economic benefit ahead of both long term implications and the real human suffering others will go through to make it a reality.
You need to learn to comprehend (for the benefit of wootool) that perceived self interest and doing the right thing are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Our self interst in Iraq was manifold. It allows us the nearer term ability to exit Kuwait and Saudi Arabia when our forcesd are no longer required as a bufffer to Iraq. It places a democratic regime in the heart of the muslim world as a thorn in the side of the regions despots. It removes a fundamental barrier that stood in the way of any diplomatic solution to an Israeli/Palestinian peace. It removes a major state sponsor of terrorism from the world stage. It provides an alternative to this end times isalmo fascist philosophy which permeates the region.
And not least importantly it is a warning to all the state sponsors of terrorism that we will no longer simply chase your proxies, but will come after you directly, if you deem to use terrorism as a form of polciy by proxy against the US and our interests.
Yet none of that negates that it was also the right thing to do. The saddest part of the latest political paradigm is that the liberals in the world have effectively become the main proponents of maintaining tyrrany. they parrot all the same "don't rock the boat" arguments they once despised.