I like america, I go down there all the time to shop........... I have no problem with the american people. I think your country is great.... I do have a problem with a corrupt administration that lies to it's own military and people about what the war is really about.
the wars in the past were different, I appreciate my grandfather dying in WW1, this war is not about the same things that the wars in the past were fought over. This war is about so much about oil it is not even funny !!!
why would I thank the people that have died in the IRAQI war, I feel sorry for those young people and there families...... they had no reason to be there in the first place. It is not their country, they should not be there......... the guy that your administration blames for 9/11 is not even there, he is laughing in the mountains somewhere in Afghanistan/Pakistan !!! Do you think that the War in Iraqi means I can be safe now in front of my computer ? are you serious ? when did Iraq invade the USA or Canada ? thats right never...... and you think the war in Afghanistan and Iraq will make us safer ? I dont think so, It will just make us more vunerable........ those crazy people will just have more reason to commit "jihad" on us.
WAR in this time = MONEY/POWER/CONTROL that is it
when the USA Military finally bails out of Iraq and realizes that they cannot change people's belief's that have been that way for thousand's of years, they can spend the billons of dollars they wasted on their healthcare system or immigration programs or education.
this is just another vietnam war, it is sad