Do you have any idea what your maintenence cal intak is? Thats a very good place to start. If a gram of carbs/protien = 4 cals. and a pound equates to 453 grams. Take a good estimate of how many lbs of lean muscle you expect to gain each week of cycle. For an example, lets say 3 lbs. 3lbs X 453 = 1359 extra grams of carbs/protien a week to add the 3 lbs above your main caloric intake. Now, obviously there are tons of variable and these are just ball park numbers, but help to find a good place to start. 1359g X 4 cals(assuming from protien or cabrs) = 5436 extra cals above maint needed per week, or about 777 per day above maint. If your already huge and dont expect to gain 3 lbs a week or expect more, adjust the numbers accordingly.