A 50/30/20 split is quite ideal in terms of bulking, IMO. The fact it was your first ever bulking diet would have meant your body was primed for growth, but nevertheless, your gains are impressive.
When I bulk I usually do 50/30/20 (carb/pro/fat) as well. Works pretty good for me. Sometimes I'll even go higher on the carbs like 55/25/20. The important thing is getting enough calories and spreading out the meals as much as possible.
When I am just eating normally (and happily...lol)...I try to get in about 200grams of prot and however much carbs and fat I want. I don't pay much attention to it really.
When I am getting ready for a contest (bulking), I try to eat 300grams of prot and 5-600 grams of carbs a day. Fat..well...I get plenty of that along with the other foods. The last 2 weeks before a contest...I try to eat a ton of everything.
definately more carbs...just to pack in the calories...but im blessed with a WONDERFUL metabolism....it goes into building muscle for the most part...never lay down fat.
acutally that fat gain wasnt bad at all and i gained alot of size and strength on this, no cardio during bulking as well and i had maybe 1-3 cheat meals a week. though the thing is i am currently cutting i am aobut to be done on my 10th week and am only up 4 lbs of waht i started at mabye 1 or 2% bf lower than what i started, i didnt seem to keep much mass mabye 5-7 lbs muscle.