Sometimes a load of bullshit can go a long ways too. Depending on the girl and the situation some classic lines such as "I love you", "You are so beautifull" or perhaps "I've nerver met anyone as special as you" are all very effective pantie removers. Yes all of the above have helped me score at one time or another.
Sometimes a load of bullshit can go a long ways too. Depending on the girl and the situation some classic lines such as "I love you", "You are so beautifull" or perhaps "I've nerver met anyone as special as you" are all very effective pantie removers. Yes all of the above have helped me score at one time or another.
Sometimes a load of bullshit can go a long ways too. Depending on the girl and the situation some classic lines such as "I love you", "You are so beautifull" or perhaps "I've nerver met anyone as special as you" are all very effective pantie removers. Yes all of the above have helped me score at one time or another.
Sometimes a load of bullshit can go a long ways too. Depending on the girl and the situation some classic lines such as "I love you", "You are so beautifull" or perhaps "I've nerver met anyone as special as you" are all very effective pantie removers. Yes all of the above have hped me score at one time or another.
Well then this thread would have been labeled "How to build a successfull relationship" instead of "whats the easiest way to get down a girls pants". The key words to be noted here are "easy" and "girls pants".