My first boyfriend after my ex made this amazing noise as he was cumming.... Sweet Jesus! It's been 2 years since I've heard that sound and I still pop a chubby just thinking about it.
My ex NEVER made a sound. I was with him my nearly my entire adult life (13 years) so I didn't know any different.
Anyways, the first time I heard him make this noise I thought I'd died and went to heaven. It was at that moment that I realized why guys appreciated a girl who was a screamer.
He would make this noise like he was about to die... It was just amazing! I would high 5 myself and say, "I DID THAT!!!" hehehehe The only way I can describe it without actually making the noise is just think of that scene in the deli from "When Harry Met Sally" where Meg Ryan showed Billy Crystal how easy it was for a woman to fake an orgasm, but make it a guy. Everytime I describe the noise to someone - you can tell.... WE ALL JUST WANT TO HAVE SEX!
Whereas me, when I am honestly enjoying amazing sex I can not concentrate enough to form intelligible words. When I climax the only thing that I can do is make noise... like an animal. No words, just screaming and grunting... Then because I realize the guy is about to go deaf, I usually bite his ear or trap or scratch his back, while choke-holding his legs with my own (depending on the position). When I'm done... I can't be touched for a few minutes. I usually lie there, wrything with pleasure.