DAMN!!!! Those are some pretty incredible eating
performances. LOL
BUT, you have to try it when carbing-up on a bodyopus diet.
When I first started out doing Bodyopus(3 years ago),
I was 195lbs(9%) and trying to get down to
Well, needless to say my three first weeks on the bodyopus
where COMPLETE disasters, due to the carb-up.
I still remember because I have NEVER eaten like that.
It was like I was on a mission........LOL
(This was in canada btw)
First week(Fri-Sat-Sun):
1. 137 Tim-bit mini donuts from tim-hortons
2. 7.5L of Fat-free ice-cream(Vanilla)
3. 4 Whole chickens.
Second week(Fri-Sat-Sun)
1. 4 X-Large Vegetarian Supreme Pizza-PIzza pizzas.
2. 40 Bagels
3. 5.0L of fat-free ice-cream
4. 1Kg of sugar-free jam
1. 3 Loaves of wholemeal bread(2.4Kg)
2. 4.0L of fat-free ice-cream
3. 1.5Kg of sugar-free jam
Needless to say I didn't lose a pound........LOL
After the last week, my self-control miraculously returned.
(Thank god!!!).
But, I'll have to admit I've never felt so much hunger in my life.
Worse than my first DNP cycle.
I'm not a particularly big fan of burgers or fast-food(except
donuts and pizza...LOL).