LOL. If I'm into party for a long time I would go with vodka (Belvedere, Ketel One or Stoli O) cranberry with a couple splashes of red bull. If I feel depressed or want to get fucked ASAP I have to say Jack shots with an Amstel chaser and some cuervo or patron shots. If my stomach is upset a Tanqueray and tonic goes just fine. I hate absynthe and goldschlager those are for young and wreckless college and high school kids. As a pro bartender I would advise not to go with cocktails with milk, coconut or cream, frozen drinks, caipirinhas or mojitos on a busy club unless you are big with tips because you will must certainly have a bad service. There is also those trendy cocktail who go well once a while but is better not going over board with those...