made the decision, and took the ex's advice....
I dont know if this was the wright decision. I talked to hmy GF last night for about 2 hours....She said she dosent know if she just likes me as a friend or not....She said she dosent feel the "passon" when we kiss. I asked her what she ment....She really couldnt explain it, what I did get from what she said is it is like a "chill" that runs thre her body. She said she dosent feel it when i kiss her. I told her we have 2 options either we brake up, or we casually date. She picked casual dating.. I told her that an exclusive relationship is out, i cant be with somone who dosent want to work on it, or thinks they may not have the same feelings as me. I thought it was a good choice at first.
As i think of it now, it seems that it may get confusing. And one of us may get hurt. She is worried that if we completly brake up. I wont hang out with her anymore.....and she wright, i wouldnt be able to be friends with her for a couple months.
I asked her, if she felt like this, why did she say yes to me when i asked her to go out, she said she thought she like me more then a friend, and she thought that passon she want would happen....She also said that she wants to hang out with me, watch movies in my room, hang out with my family. Then she said "well that kinda sounds like boyfriend and girlfriend to me"
Is their a way to make this passion happen, some certain way to kiss, or a touch?
What do you all think about this casual dating idea? Or should i just brake it off totally?