There is a man that comes into the restaurant I work at 2x everyday and eats 32 oz of red meat per day or salmon is his other choice for protien. He eats greens and drinks only H2O. He is forever ill with some type of ailment. He can't sleep, can't shit and urinates constantly!
Yes he let's us all know the gruesome details of his habits. He tries many many types of supplements, new ones almost every week. A friend of mine runs a nutrition store and had to ask him to not come back to buy anything else from him...he'd make him order in new products that he'd researched and then want to return them cuz they were making him sick!
I think this man has other problems like being obsessive compulsive, I think, by the way he behaves having to sit at the same table and always aranging things just so. If his salad comes out with a few too many carrots, he sends it back.
He has become worse over the past year, and cannot figure out why. He has seen many doctors but must think they are lying to him, cuz he WILL NOT eat carbs! He has become gaunt and lost weight and the colour in his face. My bf used to work there to and knows he stuff about nutrition and bbing, tried to explain to him the need to at least give your body some carbohydrates to survive. But he continues to starve his body of some very important nutrients. He is slowly killing himself and doesn't even know it!
It's very sad to see it.