So with some rotator issues....(front and rear tendons infra and superspinattus bilaterally) .... Im getting prolotherapy treatments which are helping but recently my training is out running the treatments. So I need to back off the OHP which aggravates everything the worst.
I usually do standing BB OHP as my main shoulder mass builder....WTF can I do instead??
I started doing incline BB press which suprisingly isnt that bad and at least in the mirror at the gym really appears to blast my delts. I do DB front raises with neutral grip but would love some other suggestions...?
I usually do standing BB OHP as my main shoulder mass builder....WTF can I do instead??
I started doing incline BB press which suprisingly isnt that bad and at least in the mirror at the gym really appears to blast my delts. I do DB front raises with neutral grip but would love some other suggestions...?