If you're getting tested for roids, I'm not sure theres much that can help you out... PM Nautica and see if he knows anything.
All of the hard stimulants (Coke, Meth, etc.) are out of your system in under 4 days.
The standard NIDA test is only for Weed, Alcohol, Amphetamines, Opiates, Coke, and PCP. All are out of your system in under 4 days except weed.
THC is fat soluable. So the more fat you carry, the longer it will take. The faster your metabolism, the quicker it is eliminated from the body. THC is almost always out of the system in 30 days.
Most of the drug test "cleansers" consist of the following:
- B Vitamin Complex (B Vitamins keep your piss yellow, so it doesnt look diluted from all of the water you're drinking)
- Creatine (keeps your creatinine levels within normal range)
- Colors & Flavoring
- Directions telling you to drink lots of water
Shit that will not help, no matter what you've heard:
- Niacin
- Vinegar (lots might make you sick also)
- Drinking water in the days leading up to the test (only the water you drink the day of the test will help)
- Goldenseal (does nothing, and can actually be tested for)
- Doing cardio (can actually increase your chances of a positive, as THC is fat soluable and losing some fat = THC in the urine)
So basically, drink a few gallons of water the day of the test. Piss as many times as you can before going in. Take lots of B Vitamins (available for a few bucks at any store). Take 15-20g of Creatine. Dont do lots of cardio the day of the test or the day before. Eat some fatty foods. When you're actually filling the cup, never use the start or end of your steam, as they are the most dirty. This means start pissing in the toilet for a few seconds, then fill the cup, then finish in the toilet.
Also, while adding things to your urine is generally dumb, it has been shown that a few drops of Visine can actually destroy THC metabolites. Adding soap, bleach, or anything similar will get you caught b/c it will make the urine foam, add particles, or change the PH to levels urine could never be. The urine additives you see from head shops are probably vastly overpriced. Stick to putting nothing in your piss or possibly visine/eye drops.
Good luck... and check this site out, it has more info on drug testing: