My frosh year at UState: Your kid hits (assults, to make it an illegal act) me in front of my hot girlfriend and all of my football buddies. Mortified, I kill myself. Your kid contributed to my death, and thus should pay for it.
Your kid's fault, no? What if, instead, I toiled inside for a year, then killed myself. Still your kid's fault, no? What if that event destroyed me mentally and emotionally for 4 years of college, caused me to flunk out, after which I got drunk and drove over a bridge. Still your kid's fault?
Tell me, at what point is it not your kid's fault? What does "fault" mean here? Murder? Unintentional homicide? Assistance to homicide? Who draws the line that cannot be argued beyond a resonable doubt?
There are multiple sides. What the guy/girl did had moral and legal implications, but we can't make every legal case out to some butterfly effect thing where we're all guilty of causing someone somewhere to die.
This is a simple IIED case, and the courts won't give a damn what his sexual preference was.