SteelWeaver said:
BTW, I LURVE your new avatar!
Thank you! I'm quite fond of it myself! I was pretty thrilled when I spotted it on a web site - I used to love to watch the Incredible Hulk as a kid. I think it represents me better than a flower - Don't ask me what I was thinking!
! I want those quads!
Don't worry about toe shoes. First, they are VERY expensive, second, they are hard on your feet. But you only go 'on pointe' after you already have lots of experience. You'll just need little slippers.
I took intro ballet at the Peabody conservatory of music (Part of Johns Hopkins University) where a friend of mine is working on her Masters Degree in opera.
I HATED IT - but that was just b/c my teacher was mean & awful. The dancing itself was fun, but NOT good exercise & not even great flexibility training IMO (b/c you don't *hold* any poses--- & supposedly you need to hold a stretch for 15 - 30 seconds to increase flexibility).
My friend had taken ballet at Boston Univ as an undergrad & said the instructor there was GREAT! She would touch each participant to help them be positioned correctly, etc. My instructor barely spoke English (literally, she couldn't get sentences out & sometimes told ppl she just didn't understand them) she never gave individual feedback/correction to anyone but maybe 8 ppl that she knew out of 30 - & usually then she would make fun of them.
Although ppl did tell me I seemed more graceful - my boyfriend & some participants in the fitness classes I teach.
Although you will probably enjoy ballet if you get a good instructor! Just be prepared to shell out some money - for me class (1X per week for 1 hour, 1 semester: 4 mos) was $220, $50 registration fee, $30 for the slippers, $12 for tights, $30 each for leotard & skirt to cover my big behind. She wouldn't allow me to wear 'fitness clothing' - tight shorts & fitted tank top.
I still say that if you want to take dance, ballet is the way to go, but I agree Tai Chi will really help grace - balance as well.