on a ski boat at the party cove. Between everyone hooting and hollering, the smell of the lake, the sun on us, taning oil, everything, it was so erotic and a turn on. It was crazy fun and lasted for way over an hour. Other than anal, it all pretty much happened so it was very easy for everyone to see. oh well.
She stood up afterwards and took a bow topless which was even more of a turn on and we went one more time...... I'll NEVER forget that.
gymgurl, no offense or anything, i just expected something a little more PG from you. I mean that's very nice and sexual and all, but i kinda thought 'memorable' was synonomus with 'wild'.
A few years ago mr IB brought home some white thigh highs, high heels, body oil and mango body butter. He put up the camera, slathered me up (even all over the thigh highs) and put me in positions I didn't know existed. All that slipping and sliding, oh wow. And our sheets smell like mango for weeks -even lasted through a few washings. We've had some hot times, but that time he was just so hungry -damn it rocked. Later on we watched the movie, had some more fun, and then broke the cd, but everytime I see (or smell) mango body butter I remember.
It involved sex, then food, shower, then more sex, then drinks and sex, shower again, food then sex. And two foreigners banging on the wall telling us to keep it down.
It involved sex, then food, shower, then more sex, then drinks and sex, shower again, food then sex. And two foreigners banging on the wall telling us to keep it down.