Thanks girl. Yea, I have been doing those for about a month and have noticed a big difference in my delts. I have also tried them sitting down on a cable lat row with the rop, then pulling the rope somewhat up about delt level. It hits my delts and traps in a great way.
Thanks for all the responses. Man, those hang snatches look radical. I'll probably screw up my first time and throw the bar on the floor behind me and get kicked out of my gym.
I've got pretty thick rear delts and all I've ever done is my regular rows and chins for back, followed by a few sets of bent over laterals. Doesn't sound like much but all that together really fries the rear delt, on bacl day that seems to be where I get the most sore
In case anyone wants to add these to his/her training. Done on a lat pull down with rope. Great for rear delts, upper back, traps. You can modify these by pulling high, low, wide, etc...