My vote is NO. You just can't undo certain things. Fuck it, have more sex with the wife, start something new with her, do anal in the pool, do something! but don't cross that line dude. just my opinion. You may regret it and can never undo it.
Bro for a man is always physiscal...a man can be deeply in love with his girl but as a male you will always look and desire other female. Some men more than others of course because that is natural selection in mather nature. SOme males are more capable of reproduce and trasfer their genes while other don't; same happens with animals.
In my opinion, I'd talk to the girl, I'd have a sincere friendly relationship; if she talks to me about how happy she is in her marriage and her life, I will definitely throw some ice on my balls and keep her as a friend. But if she tells me that her life is boring and her relationship is not the best in the world, then I'd do my part to please her for long and long hours. Her co-workers will ask her why she walks like a cowboy.
That would be part of the ideal solution but in real life doesn't work like that. Is easy to say it when you're outside a long-term relationship, but when you're inside. you'll get an answer like "How is it possible you can tell me something like that!!! Oh my God you don't love me for who I am!!! If you want somebody different go out and get a prostitute!!!!" That is what most of men deal and that's why they decide to do their own lives ouside hidden from the rest; that way everything "looks fine", the problems still exist but everybody is satisfied.
If you wear the mexican wrestling mask it will be fine
"Honey, I fucked a mexican wrestler today." And that'd be the end of it - you'd tell her the truth, she'd look at you fucken weird and probably not even ask for an elaboration cause she'd be so shocked.
If you wear the mexican wrestling mask it will be fine
"Honey, I fucked a mexican wrestler today." And that'd be the end of it - you'd tell her the truth, she'd look at you fucken weird and probably not even ask for an elaboration cause she'd be so shocked.