Your routine is too much, especially if your training for mass. 16 sets is pretty overboard. I would stick to 10-14 sets at the most if your drug free. If your trying for a mix of some mass and strength then you should try diff rep ranges based on your # of years training: 0-2 years => 6-12 reps
3-6 years => 5-10 reps
6-10 years=>4-8 reps
10 + years=> 3-6 reps (from t-mag)
I found the article talking about rep ranges to be pretty interesting, the way I would use it would be to do 3 sets for the exercises with the most chest recruitment and do some varying numbers of reps. Like for example on incline I would do my warm up sets starting with the bar then up to a weight you can do for 15-20 for a set of 6 or so, and then get to my work sets...the first set i would do 10(close to failure), second set up the weight a pretty good ammount and do 5-6 with a spotter, then go back to the weight you did for 10 and try and bang out 8 or 9 this time(and take 3 mins of rest between sets so you can recover enough). I could write 1000 different routines but since I dont know what exercises you like, what your strong in, and what is available to you I will just write you mine.
Normally I do something like this:
Flat DB press- warm up, 6-7, 4-5, 9-11
Incline barbell press- partial warm up(when i switch movements I put on an easy(like something you could do for 20) weight and just bang out a couple to get a feel for the movement..i think this makes me more comfortable and powerful for my work sets). Then for my work sets i will do 10, 6, 12
Smith Machine flat presses(dont knock it till you try it, you can focus on a slow negative, a long pause and then explosive positive without worrying about much stabilization) for this I will do one set of 6 with 3 sec. pauses(not to failure..a weight you could do 7 maybe 8 with), and then a set of 8 with 2 sec pauses(slightly heavier than the weight I used for 6, complete failure on the 8)
Decline dumbell flys-dont go too heavy because form and focusing on contractions is more important. I do 10-12 then up the db's 5 lbs a piece and try and get 8-10
After all this I head over to the flat bench(a big compound movement) and put on a weight that if I was fresh I could do for 18-20 and try and bang out a real strict 10 with a fairly slow tempo then drop the weight and try and do 5 more(like 225 drop to 135)
after this you have done 11 sets so far, so now your chest prob isnt producing too much power but your not is time to head to the machines. You can do any machine, hammer strength press or crossovers/pec deck for just 2 more sets..then stretch and make sure you get a some liquid protein to help you recover.