My stomach is flat when I wake up in the morning and starts getting bigger and tighter as the day progresses. Anybody have similar experiences and what can you do to stop it from happening?
My stomach is flat when I wake up in the morning and starts getting bigger and tighter as the day progresses. Anybody have similar experiences and what can you do to stop it from happening?
hrm.. its not like your abdominal cavity is hollow.. or your bladder fills with air when its empty.. these spaces change constantly... when you eat its doing to displace things as your stomach expands.. .
personally i found i get like that if i dont eat enough, and then have a large meal.. stomach stretching etc.. i think it may be more of a feeling than actual appearance
You may be eating something that is causing your intenstines to become inflamed. It may be even a supplement ingredient that does not sit well in your gut. Cut back to a basic food and nutrition plan and start keeping a log of your food & supplement intake. Introduce foods one by one per day. Log it and note any abdominal activity such as you described. Use the process of elimination. Good luck.
Combination of adding food to an empty stomach, gases being built up by digestion and breakdown of food, some foods will release more gas that others when broken down. It's completely normal..