2 Techniques For Reducing Injection Pain
Buy some Sesame, Soybean, Safflower (whatever kind of
oil you like) oil from the store. Take one of your old
10ml bottles (we all keep'em around) and sterilize it
using 91% isopropyl alcohol or 99% if you can find
it... Meijer carries 99%. Pull the aluminum seal off
the bottle and throw it away and pull the stopper out
(keep it). Sterilize a small bowl using the alcohol
and then put enough alcohol in the bowl so that you
can immerse the bottle and stopper in it... leave it
sit for at least 15 minutes. Take out the bottle and
rubber stopper and let them air dry. Once the bottle
is dry, fill it with sesame oil... you can use a
filtered syringe if you want but I've never found that
necessary, especially if you use a syringe to just
take the oil off the top of the bottle. Now place the
bottle in the good ol' microwave and nuke it for 2
minutes on high. Leave it sit until it cools and then
place the rubber stopper back in the bottle.
Next time you go to inject, for each cc of gear you
withdraw in to the syringe, withdraw 1/2cc of regular
oil. That's a good starting point and should do the
trick for ya... if not, increase 1/4cc until you're
comfortable. If you have a severe reaction to BA, you
may need to go cc for cc.
There's also another trick concerning BA. If you have
some bacteriostatic water or sterile water sittin'
around try this.
If you're shooting 2cc's of an oil injectable,
withdraw your 2cc of whatever oil inject you're using
and then withdraw 1cc of the water. Put that in the
fridge and let it sit overnight. Next day, tilt the
needle up and shoot out the water. This removes much
BA because BA is more attracted to water than it is
oil! Might wanna try that also. hope this helps