Looking at old pics of the 69,70,71 sergio was bigger fuller thicker more symetric then arnold was head to head.
Only thing was sergio didnt have the peaks on his biceps as dramtic as arnolds. So sergios front double bicep pose and side bicep pose was not as nice as arnolds.
Those are two major poses that get the points on the judges books.back in those days anyways.
As far as sergio goes I think he had the better genetics. Rumor has it sergio was not even on steroids untill 1967 he learned that larry scott was on 4 dbol a day so he then took 4 also.. Can you honestly believe it? I cant but if its true then thats sets the records straight .HE HAD THE BEST GENETICS PERIOD. Looking at him back in 1967 when he smashed larry scott to the ground with 4 dbol a day .he was insane .Just do a google and see his massive fucking back and big legs for the late 60's .He was the fucking mold for others to follow.