I think sergio had amazing genetics, i think demayo had amazing genetics, i think lee priest, ronnie, yates have insanly amazing genes. but arnold did not have great genes. he had just a little above the avarage genes,,,,,thats it. let me ask you arnold lovers this: What was so special about arnold? Chest, Arms uhhhhh thats it. maybe calves. so i guess muscularly theres nothing special about him. ohh ok but he looked good. an he was asthetically pleasing. Now isnt there a name for guys that look good and only have chest and arms......aahhh yes
RETTY BOYS. thats all arnold was a big pretty boy. thats it. Sergio made arnold look like a child. you guys arnt even considering arnolds body when we talk about him all you consider is the name. because if arnold was to show up today, he'd get laughed at. the man had no shoulders, no thighs, no back, no traps. Looks good, sure. but the best genetics, HELL NO.