I was 16... Nancy was 19... under an apple tree on a sunny breeze swept hillside looking over a river near the boarding school we both went to.. I was a sophomore, she was senior...
Didn't know WHAT THE FUCK I was doing (please pardon the pun), clearly not a natural talent

, so she said, and I quote, "STOP. Get on your back and don't move." And she rode me. There I was, with a senior bucking on me like a porn fantasy, sun coming through the leaves, laying on that blanket, breeze on my skin... she was hot, and I was in awe... why me? She really seemed to like it, A LOT, and in retrospect that was my VERY biggest fear of sex.. not being able to please... I have never gotten rid of that emotion. It has defined my life, all of my life. I wonder if that afternoon with Nancy was the defining moment in how I relate to partners, or even people in general, or if it was just the first time I was cognisant of what would become the epitomable driving force in my life.
We chilled in the warm sun for a while after that and I then received my first blowjob, and my second boning. We were pretty tight for that year, she taught me as much as she knew, I was mad about her, as expected.
Next fall she went to college, never saw her again.