Austin316 said:The fact that these animals who have undisputed due process are still looed upon as human by their fellow idiots is sickening, its whats wrong with this country, and its the very thing that creates environment for criminals and punks to run amuck and do whatever the want all the while believing nothing will happen to them because it ain't their fault no matter what they do.
I wish this fucker did what he did in a country that truly would have given him what he deserves. If the cops were smart they would have been calculating as they were with Dhamer. Put the animal in a cage surrounded by bigger hungrier animals with no way to escape. Make him cell mates with a red neck white power monger three times his size and then turn your back when its conveniant. Criminals just like animals, do take care of their own.
Its all about finding loopholes although anyone who condems these cops for what they did in my opinion has a fucked up way of looking at things. Until the law takes more of a crime control stance again and eases up on due process in the extremes (due process is a must in cases that are full of grey area but should be ignored when there is indisputable proof) and ALSO starts dishing out the law as a way to PUNISH people for what they do and not try to be all about rehabilitation. Lord knows we are quick to execute an animal for one small bite without a second thought, but will turn around and scream bloody murder if we do it to the animals among us
There's an animal inside you too, Austin.
There's an animal inside all of us.
Don't forget that.
Don't ever forget that.