Wow!!! Lots of interesting posts here. Seems some are just as anti-weed as they are anti-juice. Funny.
What is also funny is that the strongest and biggest people who have posted on this thread have all been of the mindset that a little weed won't kill you.
And none of us of that mindset have low test levels. I promise you. Tee hee.
If clean living makes you happy, go for it, just don't sweat others who decide to live differently. And the hype over how bad mary jane is for you is the most grossly overblown BS I have ever heard. Back in the 60's parents and the government were saying that it would kill you. Well, guess what? They were lying, it doesn't kill you.
So now they are telling you it will ruin your brain, lower your testosterone levels, make it impossible to get out of bed and go to work, and all sorts of other lies that are just as blatant, though slightly harder to disprove than the "death" lies of the 60's and 70's.
Relax everybody. As I told my son last night. There is no reason to get all excited. The one thing that we all know for sure about life is that none of us are getting out of this thing alive. If you eat, drink, breathe, or live, something is going to kill you. I say live as much as you can and get all the enjoyment possible while you are alive.
I swear, some of you clean freaks will not even notice it when you die. What thrills will death keep you away from?