louden_swain said:
OK. . I will no longer devote any more time into this topic.
Louden, dont' take offense my man, just providing my opinon.
One thing I realized a long time ago, you cannot believe everything you read, especailly medical studies.
Let me offer you a little backround, I was a police officer for 8yrs, I have 5 kids, I own my own business with my woman and I am not politically correct, I do not belivve in altering myself to make others happy. In the words of the late great popeye I am what I am and thats all what I am.
I watched doctors kill my 5 yr old god son who died of lukemia, they destroyed his immune system with tons of kemo while trying to kill the cancer and in the process destroyed everything else, Then gave him steroids to rebuild everything and had him so full of shit his little heart just fuckin quit working. Kinda fucked the cancer is'nt what killed him....
If you ask me pot is the least of our worries. You talk about going to buffets and eating all the time, a buffett is the dirtiest fucking place on the planet, the food is always sub par, the meat your getting is loaded with steroids and other preservatives, more than likely the chicken your eating has had cancer because it spent it's short life living in a box in the dark and was fed recycled phone books and shit for food, as far as chinese goes, I'm not even gonna tell you how bad that shit is for you. I don't know if you consume alcohol or caffene, but I'm sure you realize how unhealthy that is. Your water is probably loaded with flouride andI'm sure your a milk drinker like most. Todays milk is loaded with estrogen producing hormones as well as artificial vitamin d.
We all have our own thing my man, have an open mind and realize the govt and medical commmunities are really not your friend, I smoke because when I use anabolices my mind races and it relaxes me.
If you don't want to smoke thats fine it's your perogative, but do not look down on those who do or think less of people you don't even know, this is why the world is the way it is. One day your gonna wake up dead from something, or you will get killed in a traffic accident, no matter what it is your gonna die, until this happens to me I'm pretty much gonna do what I want and not within reason If I wante d to do things average or live within reason, I'd have been a banker or a gas station attendant. I am an adrenaline junkie, I like to fight drink and fuck, anything that gives me a rush I enjoy, and if I die as a result so be it, I lived the way I wanted too..
This was ment with no malace my man...Just my thoughts from me to you.
Stay Strong