I didn’t like water until I started buying bottled water; silly part is I thought that was the biggest scam……….until I started drinking it. There is a difference, put a water filter on the sink and filter the water again to remove residual heavy metals.
I hated water, when I started taking a PPA water was all I wanted. I would do two and three pots of coffee a day, sodas, more coffee………hurt like hell at the gym and hated to go. I only drink water now, cant stand the taste of cola or coffee (my husband thought I was possessed). I hardly eat out any more, as most everything is too rich or sweet. I go do 60 min of cardio now and an hour to two hours of circuit lifting. I rain sweat but I don’t hurt when I exercise now and the lactic acid that once built up in my muscles stays flushed. Working out feels realllllly gooood and I know it’s the water. If you can change your view on how you feel about water you may find it’s just what you really wanted all along.