Fat loss yes, muscle gain no. I tend to put on size extremely quickly (legs especially.)
My eating schedule would go something like: (workout day)
7:00 AM Muscle Milk Shake
- protein shake is not a bad way to get protein, for my first meal of the day Id' rather get in some carb to start the day w/, e.g. 1/2 c Old Fashioned Oatmeal (not the quick oats shit), some splenda for flavor, 4 egg whites for protein - real food. I'd also toss the Muscle Milk completely if you are going to use a protein mix - get one that is lower fat, carbs, calories - e.g. Optimum Nutrition, Isopure etc.
10:30 AM 3 slices of Healthy CHoice turkey meat
1 0z String Cheese
- Even "healthy choice" -- this shit is processed lunch meat w/ a pile of sodium & other preservative shit. Not sure the purpose of the string cheese. Also no veggies and no good sources of fats. Maybe here a handful of almonds - good fat source, some carb, protein.
12:30 PM Lean Cuisine Frozen Meal
- I'm sure these things are convenient, but they are still processed and full of shit to make them preserved & taste decent. Try real food!!!!!!! I'd go w/ 4 oz chicken & a spinach salad or 1 c green beans here. Maybe 3-4 oz sweet potato or regular potato (baked, no other shit on it) or 1/2 brown rice
2:30 PM Apple or orange
Fruit is good but it is a sugar. You might instead do some low-fat cottage cheese w/ 1/2 apple if you want to keep the fruit. I'd get some sort of protein in here.
5:30 PM Yogurt (Fat free)
- Still a sugar. I'd put another 4 oz chicken & salad or veggies here. e You can take an acidophilis supplement to get the values of the yogurt w/o the sugar.
8:30PM Muscle Milk (after work out- will sometimes drink half before and half after)
- Same comment on the other MM protein mix. You can do a protein mix post workout. Also a good time to throw in some l-glutamine for general recovery
9:00 PM 5 Laughing cow cheese bites
Lean Cuisine Frozen Meal
- again same comment on the LC meal - toss that shit & get some real food. Chicken + veggies & a small amount of fat, e.g. put vinegar & flax or olive oil in your salad. This helps slow down the metabolism of your last meal so you aren't going as long w/o food before the first meal the next day.
(sometimes will have a piece of bakers semisweet dark chocolate but not usually)
RE: high carb low carb days ---- I try to alternate every other day. (and when I say high carb days, I mean more than 40% but less than 50%.) I tend to be a snacker thats on the "go" a lot so the shakes helped in that respect. I uploaded a pic taken NYE -- not the best quality but at least you can kinda see what my body type is like.
"high carb" / "low carb" -- I've heard of using this approach to confuse the body or whatever, but personally I have to have a couple low carb days w/ a high carb day to keep my metabolism moving. Otherwise whatever burn rate I can setup w/ 1 low carb day gets hosed up by the high carb day so soon after. If you were going to do the low carb / high carb thing, I'd say go 1 day w/ "low carb" where your only complex carb source is the 1/2 c oatmeal in the first meal, Day 2, add another 30 g complex carb like 4 oz sweet potato at meal 3, then Day 3, add a 3rd meal w/ 30 g complex carb in maybe meal 5. Then on day 4 go back to the low carb day same as Day 1.
Thanks for the help.