Hey all,
I've been stalking this website, along with a few other nameless ones for a good part of 5 years. I am 23, 180 lbs @~10% bf been lifting seriously for about those same 5 years. I am not quite ready to take the plunge into AAS, I am planning on playing with a 4 week proH stack. As for an AI and PCT, I was planning on use adex (pharma grade), I chose this for its high estrogen aromatase blocking abilities (tho not as high as letro) and for its slight test boosting properties. I know adex is usually used for AAS cycles that are highly suppressive on the HPTA neg feedback loop. Ive been looking around and so many PCT products have been popping up i dont know what to do so i figured i would go with something that is well documented and well known for the medical comm,
Any comments?
Any suggestions on a proH? (was thinking beast or possible Hdrol)
I've been stalking this website, along with a few other nameless ones for a good part of 5 years. I am 23, 180 lbs @~10% bf been lifting seriously for about those same 5 years. I am not quite ready to take the plunge into AAS, I am planning on playing with a 4 week proH stack. As for an AI and PCT, I was planning on use adex (pharma grade), I chose this for its high estrogen aromatase blocking abilities (tho not as high as letro) and for its slight test boosting properties. I know adex is usually used for AAS cycles that are highly suppressive on the HPTA neg feedback loop. Ive been looking around and so many PCT products have been popping up i dont know what to do so i figured i would go with something that is well documented and well known for the medical comm,
Any comments?
Any suggestions on a proH? (was thinking beast or possible Hdrol)