I'm taking 350 at 5 day now...will be adding winstrol 40 mg... I'm at 15% bf...will be doing IF with fasted workout...looking to achieve single digit bf%
I'm taking 350 at 5 day now...will be adding winstrol 40 mg... I'm at 15% bf...will be doing IF with fasted workout...looking to achieve single digit bf%
no point in using winny at 15% body fat at all. you will dry out on it, but you also are using test so will retain water back. and also even if you did dry out you still have too high body fat to see the muscle cuts right?
i would CUT DOWN first, THEN you can run your winny. if you are doing IF that is a great way to do it BUT you gotta do it right. what i would suggest is checking out my fasting Ebook in my signature and/or getting in touch with me for a consult. IF is a great fat loss tool but it has to be done CORRECTLY or you are wasting your time