I gots you a plan, if it ain't too late.
1. trenchcoat
2. latex and cotton gloves
3. stolen wallet and ID (got to be someone that slightly resembles you)
4. bicycle (preferably older ten speed).
5. Somewhat respectable clothes (Eddie Bauer should suffice)
First, produce a stolen wallet anyway possible. Remove any cash and ID and discard said wallet (as well, discard any credit cards, no time to be fucking with those). Find or create a heavy circular-type of object, a rock would suffice. Locate a jewlerly store in a respectable part of town. The jewel shop should be off a main drag by a block or two...you don't want it in the middle of nowhere, you don't want it in Times Square. Oh yeah, don't do this in your home town, drive a few towns over. Anyway, ride your lil' bicycle past said store once or twice, make sure things are all good and quiet. On your final pass, take the beforementioned heavy object and smash the fuck out of the window. Hopefully it won't be bulletproof. Without getting off the bike, reach in the hole you created and grab a handfull of the good stuff. Gold, diamonds, whatever you can put your gloved hand around. Jewlerly stores usually put some decent stuff up front to wooo in customers. Pedal your ass to a safe destination, ditch the bicycle and trench coat. Obtain respectable clothes, classy but not flashy (think Eddie Bauer). Before daylight, locate a pawn shop, out of town of course. Immediatly when the store opens, take the jewels and stolen ID into the shop. Be cool, confident, and curteous. When they ask for ID, laugh and say "Of course I have ID." When they ask why you gots the jewels, look distraught, sad, and say "Caught the wife sucking my boss off, these are the gifts I had bought her." They are gonna fingerprint you, be wary, this plan is not fullproof. Collect your funds, shake the pawn shop owner's filthy hand, and get the fuck out of that city. Possibly consider a new life in another state, even consider S. America. This plan well get your money, execute it with class and dignity. Good luck young solider...