New updates for everyone...
Strength is continuing to go up in a major way... I always switch my days of lifts after 4-6 weeks so I have now changed to this split
Same amount of cardio per day...
Monday - Chest, Traps, Biceps
Tuesday - Shoulders and Back
Wednesday - Biceps and Triceps
Thursday - Chest and Traps
Friday - Shoulders, Back and Triceps
My workouts have been extremely on point... My toe is still a major issue on my runs and even with a fresh cortisone shot, its still becoming a bigger pain so I have been incorporating more elliptical and scaling the running back a bit which is honestly necessary as I approach 40 years old as it is... It is a lot of wear and tear over so many years but I am so extremely happy with the progress... Rad140 is a beast and you can really see the work of the s4 and acp-105 combination on muscle hardening and vascularity and of course the leaning with gw... Here are some new updated pics... I do feel there is continuous positive changes occurring each day... THANK YOU TO EVERYONE FOR THE CONTINUOUS SUPPORT!!

Strength is continuing to go up in a major way... I always switch my days of lifts after 4-6 weeks so I have now changed to this split
Same amount of cardio per day...
Monday - Chest, Traps, Biceps
Tuesday - Shoulders and Back
Wednesday - Biceps and Triceps
Thursday - Chest and Traps
Friday - Shoulders, Back and Triceps
My workouts have been extremely on point... My toe is still a major issue on my runs and even with a fresh cortisone shot, its still becoming a bigger pain so I have been incorporating more elliptical and scaling the running back a bit which is honestly necessary as I approach 40 years old as it is... It is a lot of wear and tear over so many years but I am so extremely happy with the progress... Rad140 is a beast and you can really see the work of the s4 and acp-105 combination on muscle hardening and vascularity and of course the leaning with gw... Here are some new updated pics... I do feel there is continuous positive changes occurring each day... THANK YOU TO EVERYONE FOR THE CONTINUOUS SUPPORT!!