I've always done medium cycles, 8-10 weeks. For 2004 I'm going to do two long ones of 12-16 weeks then I hope to spend 2005 doing 3 weeks on/6 weeks off the entire year.
hey rg if i go on a 2weeker the first day i shoud inj 3 amps of tren 300 than 100 a day for 14 days and the same day 50mg dianabol and 300mg of test prop all in the first day? than go on from there?
I saw something on another website where the guy advocated high doses for 30 days then 14-20 days off. I'll steal part of his post here:
Well again the theory behind it is all the gear leaves your system within a couple of days. You then are off with a clear system for 2-3 weeks tops. When you hit a normal 10 week cycle with longer acting gear it can stay active for another 2-4 weeks. Plus you need to go through PCT for another 2-3. So really you are only off for 3. Alot of people that I know that do SHIC don't really even need PCT. Some do. It's not for everyone but I thought I'd share it with everyone to show a different way of doing things.
i did a tren and winny cycle and gained about 14lbs then most went post cycle as i fcuked up pct and ate little and didnt train. I was in Thailand tho so i was still happy
Realgains. What do you think of the cycle 10mg d-boll taken at the morning for 4-8weeks VS a cycle of test/d-boll for 2on 4 off etc etc...? What is the best choice if you want most muscels?
My english in not so god but i hope you understand what i mean