Most man in America are circumsized - they did not loose anything, and you won't loose anything either. In fact, I have a friend who opted for circumcision at 22 for aesthetic reasons (he thought it would be cleaner and better looking) and he said that the first 15 days were painful, but now he regrets not having done it earlier, because the sensation during sex is amazing (maybe from having the head covered for such a long time?). It is a simple operation. They do it on babies, for crying out loud! And I don't understand why you have to tell your friends if you don't want to. I also don't understand the reason why you're afraid of being made fun of by them if they find out - do they have anything against circumsized penises? Is there a secret society in your college or something, where only jocks are allowed and they are all so smitten with uncut penises that they constantly think of ways of bashing cut guys? It sounds to me like they have the problem. Your girl will not mind. I am sure she will actually find sexy that you're having something done to your penis. These are things of life, so you will have to get over it, and have it done if that is the only way. I would, however, seek a second opinion.