I have been on it for two weeks but my libido is still low and soft erections are still there, any idea how long does something like this take to start giving results? thank you.
While tribulus is beneficial for testosterone and libido boosting, it is not really potent. It is best to take supplements with lots of different ingredients, where they work in synergy. For instance, N2Generate ES has lots of different ingredients, all of which work in the same direction, and you can really tell the difference with it.
You should start to feel the effects of a good natural testosterone booster a few days after taking it. For the best results, it's best to split up your daily dosage into an AM and PM dosage. This leads to the best absorption.
There is a lot more to do with libido than just trying to boost natural test levels. I would get blood work done and also take a look at things like diet, sleep and recovery, overall health, body fat.