Today me and my training parter kev, who is also my best friend, and my motivation, just TORE shit up . The most intense workout ever. We tried to emulate some events that will be at Clintfest in july...sorta. Then we added a few things
Pin pulls from a little below knee level
worked up to 385x1 sorta messy 50lb PR!!!
Failed at 405x1 got it halfway then no good
Kev got 405x1 and did a fucking awesome job
This was our variation of the conans wheel...more like the conans walk.
135x 80feet x 2 trips
185x 80feet x 1 trip :
ME: http://www.grambo.org/afa/users/tec/clintfest/conan2.WMV
KEV, he couldn't get under the bar so i deadlifted it and he got under...while i was dling the bar i tucked the camera into my pants while it was still recording lol
Next event we did some insane death medly. We used a regular bar as a yolk...it was really light but it was a killer medly lololol...similar to clints in july.
ME: http://www.grambo.org/afa/users/tec/clintfest/vindeath.WMV
KEV: http://www.grambo.org/afa/users/tec/clintfest/kevdeath.WMV
Then we did some farmers walks and the "yolk"
135s then yolk
ME: http://www.grambo.org/afa/users/tec/clintfest/farmeryolk.WMV
KEV: http://www.grambo.org/afa/users/tec/clintfest/farmeryolkkev.WMV
Then we did some sprints. All in all another awesome workout. Just insane...thats all i can say...insane and intense
Pin pulls from a little below knee level
worked up to 385x1 sorta messy 50lb PR!!!
Failed at 405x1 got it halfway then no good
Kev got 405x1 and did a fucking awesome job
This was our variation of the conans wheel...more like the conans walk.
135x 80feet x 2 trips
185x 80feet x 1 trip :
ME: http://www.grambo.org/afa/users/tec/clintfest/conan2.WMV
KEV, he couldn't get under the bar so i deadlifted it and he got under...while i was dling the bar i tucked the camera into my pants while it was still recording lol
Next event we did some insane death medly. We used a regular bar as a yolk...it was really light but it was a killer medly lololol...similar to clints in july.
ME: http://www.grambo.org/afa/users/tec/clintfest/vindeath.WMV
KEV: http://www.grambo.org/afa/users/tec/clintfest/kevdeath.WMV
Then we did some farmers walks and the "yolk"
135s then yolk
ME: http://www.grambo.org/afa/users/tec/clintfest/farmeryolk.WMV
KEV: http://www.grambo.org/afa/users/tec/clintfest/farmeryolkkev.WMV
Then we did some sprints. All in all another awesome workout. Just insane...thats all i can say...insane and intense