Out of 280 million people in america---only a few hundred actually run the country( and I can almost bet my life that none of them were at your game last night)
back in high school I remember this one kid had a freaking mohawk with purlple color in it(was rumored to get be drunk almost everyday)
today he is an assist district attorney ----- so whatever
Kids are going to be kids-----
most high school football games have a section where most of the kids stand and watch(a lot of them drunk) from the same area(its where people go to be seen and try to pick up chix, and find out whos having the party after) If I had a kid and brought him to a high school game, I would stay as far away from the mob of kids as I could---its their school and its their team(they only have 3 years to say that)-----you can't control the people around you but only your own actions....
back in high school I remember this one kid had a freaking mohawk with purlple color in it(was rumored to get be drunk almost everyday)
today he is an assist district attorney ----- so whatever
Kids are going to be kids-----
most high school football games have a section where most of the kids stand and watch(a lot of them drunk) from the same area(its where people go to be seen and try to pick up chix, and find out whos having the party after) If I had a kid and brought him to a high school game, I would stay as far away from the mob of kids as I could---its their school and its their team(they only have 3 years to say that)-----you can't control the people around you but only your own actions....