Trying to cut up and get leaner, especially after bulking, I always do a low carb IF protocol... I can drop upwards of 10lbs water weight in the first week.
The trick, IMHO, is to take a burst of carbs and protein before each workout. 1 hour before I lift I drink 2 glasses of skim milk, a half scoop of whey and a scoop (10g) of BCAA's with my (5g) creatine. Keeps me lifting heavy, heavier than during a bulk actually, and I tend to drop weight really fast. I feel milk and creatine synergize very well, as the insulin response to milk and whey is much higher than other liquids - even sugar based ones. Without that, my lifts drop substantially.
But beyond that, during the IF period (10pm until 2pm) I take in nothing but around 5g of omega 3 (2g EPA, 3g DHA) and some CLA (2g). Without these, I tend to lose lean weight as well as fat mass. I then eat a PWO meal two hours after working out (typically 6pm) when protein synthesis ramps, typically consisting of 1600-1800kcal of mainly protein foods (salmon, tilapia, chicken, pork etc.) and green vegetables (spinach, brocoli etc.).
YMMV, but fasting is great for me. Even on low doses of T3, ECA and GHRP. I was able to drop 30lbs of fat in 3 months using the aforementioned chemicals and doing this IF with a daily calorie intake of 1800-2000 depending on working out or not. No cardio beyond fasted walking to and from work (1 mile) and at work (about 2 miles on the sales floor).
Ahem, tl;dr.