For the last 1 year, I have been religious about my cheat meals because I LOVE to eat.
My approach is 1 day a week I get to eat whatever I like. I still lift and do cardio on that day, but lunch and dinner are both out. I order whatever I want off the menu; I have a small afternoon snack of my choice between the meals, and after dinner I have dessert of my choice.
I do not log, I do not count. If I want to have drinks, this is the day to do it.
I find it helps me keep my sanity and it really does refeed and replenish the body, especially my glycogen stores. By eating 40/30/30 or 50/25/25 6 days a week, the body WILL craves those carbs and fats I'm eating less of... I live for my cheat days.
Sometimes I'll even have cheat WEEKENDS (on vacation)... and I swear on all things holy, I look THINNER on the day after cheat days because once I get a good sweat session in, my body just lets go of EVERYTHING it was holding in all week.
Trust me -- cheat meal, LOTS of water, some Sesapoo (I mean, Sesapure...
) and all will be great in the world.