why do people assume that to be a powerlifter you have to be fat?? True, there are alot pl's that aren't exactly lean....but that's because they don't watch what they eat. People who think that tell me they really don't know anything about BB'ing yet alone pl'ing. Keep it Beefy........do you think BB's get their cuts from what they do in the weightroom??......if you don't know this answer I'll provide it for you...........NO!! It's their diets. You obviously haven't seen Ronnie Coleman offseason........if you had you'd see that he looks like your average powerlifter, if not worse because of the steroid bloat. And if you ever watch World's strongest man, yeah you've got your stereotypical powerlifter type physiques......but than you have fucking specimens like Marius Pudzinowski, Juoko Ahola........and some German guy who's name escapes me right now. Those guys will urinate on any BB in terms of strength feats yet they compete at 8-10% bf. At 8-10% most BB'ers are starting to dial in for contests and are losing plates off their bench weekly.