regardless, i've lost some respect for jayz, pretty classless way to inagurate obama, and i'm sure BO would be embarrassed by this. i assumed he had more class
Tons of rap stars are racist. The press buries, the black community ignores it, nothing will change under Obama. Just look at the people who he associated himself with his entire life.
Watch this, white contractors not wanted:
The sad thing is I pointed out this BS before the election, posted all the nice quotas that Obama supported in the past, posted his quotes, etc. and I got attacked by being a lunatic. "That came from a blog." "There is not truth to that." "Obama would never do such a thing, he has always fought for equality."
I hope the people who doubted me are the ones targeted by his racial policies, I hope the people who voted for him get a taste of his policies, lose their jobs, or get denied funds because of the color of their skin. They deserve it.
tons of rap stars are racist. The press buries, the black community ignores it, nothing will change under obama. Just look at the people who he associated himself with his entire life.
Watch this, white contractors not wanted:
The sad thing is i pointed out this bs before the election, posted all the nice quotas that obama supported in the past, posted his quotes, etc. And i got attacked by being a lunatic. "that came from a blog." "there is not truth to that." "obama would never do such a thing, he has always fought for equality."
i hope the people who doubted me are the ones targeted by his racial policies, i hope the people who voted for him get a taste of his policies, lose their jobs, or get denied funds because of the color of their skin. They deserve it.
LOL at all the white people who voted for Obama as a result of being brainwashed into thinking it would help dissipate racial tension/cultural differences. I wonder how long it'll take them to realize there's no such thing as "equality". On paper, maybe.
Won't be long before whitey be feeling like an Oreo cookie.
LOL at all the white people who voted for Obama as a result of being brainwashed into thinking it would help dissipate racial tension/cultural differences.